How are you dealing with cybersecurity risks to your business and supply chain?
Today, our reliance on computers is pervasive. As your company, your supply chain, and even your home, are increasingly reliant upon computers to control everything from the flow of electricity to the flow of products and services, you need to be informed about matters of cybersecurity.
Here are four helpful videos to get you started:
- Hackers: The Internet’s Immune System In this TEDTalks cybersecurity expert Keren Elazari explains that not all hackers are bad guys, some work hard to expose security threats.
- Fighting Viruses, Defending the Net Computer security expert Mikko Hypponen reviews how to fight viruses and defend yourself against the net in this TedTalks.
- What’s Wrong with Your Pa$$w0rd? Professor and Director of the Carnegie Mellon Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory, Lorrie Faith Cranor, studied thousands of passwords and outlines the mistakes people make when creating their
- Hire the Hackers Cybersecurity investigator Misha Glenny profiles who hackers really are.
Hopefully these videos will bring more insight to the real threats of cyber security and how you can protect yourself and your business. You can view the whole video series as a playlist on your youtube page.
Cyber Security Playlist on RKL YouTube Channel
This is blog number one in our blog series for Cyber Security Month.
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